SAP Implementation is an Investment NOT an Event

By |July 12th, 2010|

A while back, I talked to a pair of executives who were trying to determine whether or not their SAP implementation cost was higher or lower than their competitors. They wanted benchmarks or some other way to know if they were in line with the marketplace. The CFO was worried that they might have paid way too much for their SAP implementation. After talking for a few minutes, they realized that they were looking at the question the wrong way. While they were asking about how their expenditure c [...]

Lower SAP Application Support Costs – TCO – by Reducing Custom Solutions

By |June 21st, 2010|

Previously I explained the two primary types of implementations-- with SAP or any other ERP package, you will do business process engineering or software engineering. The differences in these two types of implementation approaches will have a major impact on your total cost of ownership (TCO) and your long-term application lifecycle costs. ------------------------------- Software Engineering or Business Process Engineering? [...]

ERP Project Plan: Getting Real (Part 2)

By |April 16th, 2010|

In many cases, the ERP project plan is not worth the paper on which it is printed. Worse yet, many project managers shoot themselves in the foot because they prematurely commit to a project schedule and budget that sets unrealistic management expectations. Once cast, expectations will not go away and only come back to haunt you later. Could this be one reason why many ERP projects fail? Even when the schedule and budget are formally published, many plans are quickly tossed out the window becaus [...]